Welcome to Giordano’s coupons! This is not just a site focused on Giordano’s coupons but, in fact, it is the love child of an entire team of site designers and developers based in Chicago and because we are so in love with Giordano’s pizza we decided we wanted to make a little something on the side; a little web site project where we would focus on the latest news and changes in the restaurant. Of course change doesn’t happen very often when you are making pizza! Still we are positive that chef Efren Boglio will keep his promise of forever changing, tweaking and improving his mother’s pizza recipe. What does change are the great deals they offer almost every other week and so we are already tracking any change in the Giordano’s coupons and we will be posting them here.
It is actually all about a little race the guys have in the office and anyone who can be the first to find out about a Giordano’s coupon becomes the GC of the office. It might be a silly game but because of our love for the Chicago Pizza and in particular Giordano’s we have started seeing this as a great honor and, of course, it means getting the last, most coveted slice of pizza left in the box. As you can see we are a great team and in a couple of years we’ll probably see each other as brothers especially since we have not changed company for 3 years and will probably not do so soon. So indulge us our Giordano’s coupons game and come back to our site to check out the latest offer.
Just like their pizza the Giordano’s coupons are becoming a matter of family and it depicts the Boglio’s family philosophy of not taking themselves too serious. That is not to say that they do not take their pizza serious, and in fact, anyone who has ever had even a slice will not feel complete without coming back for seconds and thirds and so on. And that is because enjoying what you do turns even rocket science into child’s play and brings forth innovation. It was Efren who said that the pizza they are serving is not their invention or that of their mother but it is the love product of more than 7 generations. And we are trying to bring that in to every site we create, design and implement because we see… actually taste almost every other day how bringing fun in to your work can create something as magical. And it is a magical feeling to discover the Giordano’s coupon of the day and bring it to the office as the ultimate trophy.
In conclusion let me just say that I hope you will enjoy our Giordano’s coupons site as much as we enjoy creating it and playing around, improving it every day. This very text has been re-written over 9 times now and that is because every time we feel like taking a break it feels much more comfortable to come around a tweak a button or add another paragraph or, the grates honor off all, actually post a new Giordano’s coupon or the Holy Grail: a new offer on the menu!